In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear health professionals talking about specific aspects of their work.
For questions 31 to 42, choose the answer A, B or C which fits best according to what you hear. Complete your answers as you listen the audio.
Now look at extract one.
Extract 1: Question 31 to 36
You hear a dietician called Catherine Weston, giving a presentation on Diabulemia.
You have 90 seconds to read question 31 to 36
31. According to Ms Weston, how do the conditions rank in order of severity, starting with the least severe?
A. Bulimia>Diabulimia>Diabetes
B. Diabetes > Bulimia > Diabulimia
C. Bulimia > Diabetes > Diabulimia
32. What point does Ms Weston make about the effect of Diabulimia on males and females?
A. Diabulimia affects males and females equally
B. Diabulimia affects females more than males
C. Diabulimia affects males more than females
33. What reason does Ms Weston give as to the obscurity of the condition?
A. It has not been defined in diabetic communities
B. It has not been recognized in scientific communities
C. It presents with several complications
34. According to Ms Weston, which organs are particularly susceptible to damage in Diabulimia suferers?
A. Eyes and Kidney
B. Kidneys and Nerves
C. Eyes and Nerves
35. What does the case study of Amira highlight?
A. That diabulimia can go undetected for a long time
B. That spreading awareness of diabulimia is necessary
C. That diabulimia is a tragic condition
36. What is mentioned as the likely outcome of increasing national awareness of the condition?
A. Increased engagement of different medical and scientific commuities
B. Increasing funding from NHS England
C. Increased number of treatment institutions
Extract 2: Question 37 to 42
You hear an interview with doctor Janae Brown, a neurologist, about multiple scelosis. You now have 90 seconds to read question 37 to 42
37. According to the recent survey, how many people are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis?
A. 100,000 a month
B. 100,000 every six months
C. 100,000 ayear
38. Dr Brown gives the example of the effect on the optic nerve to highlight:
A. That the nerve is particularly affected by the condition
B. The widespread damage that can be caused by multiple sclerosis
C. After they have reached their goal weight
39. Why are women at a higher risk than men of developing multiple sclerosis?
A. They have longer life expectancies than men
B. The chemicals their bodies produce make them more susceptible
to the condition
C. The gene that carries the condition is more prevalent in women
40. Why is aseptic technique important during the lumbar puncture?
A. to prevent further infection
B. to pinpoint the origin of the symptoms
C. to provide clear images
41. What are the main aims of the treatment?
A. preventing recurrent attacks
B. to pinpoint the origin of the symptoms
C. to provide clear images
42. When are Beta-interferons used?
A. If the symptoms become worse
B. If the symptoms start to subside
C. At the onset of the symptom
this was awful and the information given by the record were not complete for example Q37 in the recording she didn’t address the answer.