(2025) OET Listening Part C – Test 1


In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear health professionals talking about aspects of their work.

For questions 31-42, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. Complete your answers as you listen.

Now look at extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 31-36

You hear part of an interview with a doctor called Dr Ellen Samuels, an expert on Lyme disease.

You have 90 seconds to read the question 31 to 36.

  1. Why does Dr Samuels say the rate of Lyme disease has increased?
    A. Because more patients and doctors are reporting infections
    B. Because of changes in human behavior and the environment
    C. Because of more ticks in different regions of the country
  1. Dr Samuels says that transmission of the disease to humans requires
    A. any type of body fluids from human beings
    B. a tick infected with the bacterial pathogen
    C. an animal host to infect other animal hosts
  1. Dr Samuels says that Lyme disease is a challenge to detect because
    A. There are no tests to detect the bacterial responsible for the disease
    B. The bacteria responsible for the disease only attack lymph nodes
    C. Evidence of the disease disappears from the bloodstream quickly
  1. What does Dr Samuels say a person should do if they find a tick?
    A. The person will need antibiotics to prevent the disease if the tick is attached
    B. They may need antibiotics, depending on the amount of time that has
    C. They will need to get a diagnosis before seeking treatment for the disease
  1. What problem does Dr Samuels identify with current diagnostic tests?
    A. They are not accurate for Lyme disease that is detected early
    B. They are not accurate for all types of antibody responses
    C. They are not accurate for certain types of individuals
  1. What is Dr Samuel’s place of work doing about the problem?
    A. They are working to improve existing diagnostic test to detect Lyme disease
    B. They are working to understand how a person’s DNA responds to the disease
    C. They are working to improve the effectiveness of current treatment of the disease

Extract 2: Questions 37-42

You hear a psychiatrist called Dr Matthew Andrews giving a presentation to a group of GPs.

You have 90 seconds to read the question 37 to 42.

  1. Matthew Andrews says that GPs are not providing mental health services because
    A. Adolescents do not visit GPs on a regular basis
    B. Adolescents with mental illnesses visit specialists
    C. GPs do not have the required training in the area
  1. What does Matthew Andrews say is the most effective way to train GPs?
    A. Programmes focused on educational theories
    B. Programmes involving GPs working with specialists
    C. Programmes set in psychiatry or paediatric setting
  1. How were the joint appointments set up?
    A. Per the request of the patient and family
    B. Per the request of the attending GP
    C. Per the request of the consultant
  1. What was the objective of the joint appointment?
    A. To come to diagnosis for the patient
    B. To initiate contact with the parents of the patient
    C. To decide on next steps for the patient
  1. Matthew Andrew says that GPs now report feeling?
    A. more comfortable dealing with certain mental issues
    B. more comfortable working with outside consultants
    C. more comfortable talking to parents about these issues
  1. Mathew Andrew says that child psychiatry specialist describe?
    A. Learning more about another area of medicine outside their specialty
    B. Learning more about children and adolescents with psychological problems
    C. Learning more about how to handle consultations in a clinical setting



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