(2025) OET Listening Part A – Test 2


In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, a health professional is talking to a patient.

For questions 1-24, complete the notes with information that you hear.

Now, look at the notes for extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 1-12

You hear a physician talking to a new patient called Bernardito. For questions 1 to 12, complete the following notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient: Bernardito

Feeling: (1)…………………… and severe pain

For the past two months: stomach hurts after every meal

Patient’s description of symptoms: The pain persists even during the nights

  • didn’t eat any heavy food for the past two months
  • pain only fleetingly
  • it hurts every time while eating food
  • eats a lot of (2)……………… at home
  • pain moves across the (3)……………………    
  • feels a (4)……………………  while burping
  • pain increases while lying down
  • eats no spicy food
  • bowel is (5)………………… 
  • no blood in bowel movement
  • feeling a (6)…………………… while having orange juice

Initial treatment: takes Alka Seltzer (7)…………………… and Tylenol regularly

Further treatment: examine (8)…………………...  for any kind of parasites 

  • diagnosis of upper (9)……………………  through X-rays and (10)……………………  
  • X-ray test or an ultrasonic study of (11)…………………… 

(12)……………………  if the pain continues after having some antibiotics

Extract 2: Questions 13 to 24

You hear an optometrist talking to a patient called Dominika. For questions 13 to 24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes.

Patient: Dominika

Reason for the referral:  a suspected ase of (13)………………… 

Occupation: (14)………………… glaucoma Chief Accountant

History of condition: first experiened (15)………………… back

  • having a family history
  •  (16)………………… is thicker than the usual

Initial diagnosis: (17)………………… and OCT

Patient’s description of condition: appearance of a few black, (18)………………… before the eyes that don’t disappear even after closing the eyes.

Information given: the eyes of the patient are affected by floaters

  • floaters may become very (19)………………… and affect the eyesight & in such cases, a surgical procedure called  (20)………………… may be suggested to remove floaters from the (21)…………………
  • intake of vitamins to improve the eyesight and reduce the (22)………………… 
  • to take a Vitamin A supplement that includes selenium,  (23)………………… and DHA
  • include green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and (24)………………… in your meals


2greasy food14chief accountant
3abdomen15eighteen months
4sour taste16optic nerve
5greener17visual field analysis
6strange metallic taste18thin wavy structures floating
7only during pain19dense and plentiful
9gastrointestinal system21vitreous
10contrast22dominance of floaters

One Response

  1. ramin December 21, 2022

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